My Thanksgiving morning however, was not nice at ALL! I woke up to my cat literally throwing up on my head! Yes, you read that correctly. She threw up on my HEAD!! I woke up at the last minute and tried to stop her and put my arm up to stop any more from hitting my head and then it went down my arm to which I screeched and shook my hand and then it went all over the place. It had to be the most disgusting thing I have ever had happen to me. She is a little cat but I can not even believe how much came out of her. It took all of me not to puke myself. So I ran and jumped in the shower while hubby cleaned it up from every where else. I know it is not her fault but she is lucky I did not instantly make her an outside cat. It was definitely not the way you want to wake up on Thanksgiving morning...or any morning for that matter.
So before I say good bye for today, I want to leave on a funny note and not on a disgusting note (even though you may find the above funny). So my nephew, No.ah, the other day is going around his house saying " I have boobies, I have boobies". My sis tells him to get on the phone and tell me what he is saying. He gets on the phone and tells me the same, "I have boobies Aunt Shell". I start cracking up. My sis says that the other day he was saying "I want boobies". They were laughing because they could not figure out what he was saying. So they asked Jo.ey. What he was really saying, "I want smoothies" and "I have smoothies". Meaning he had yogurt smoothies to eat. That is just too cute!
Anyway that is all I have for now.

ahh boobies... :)
I hope your kitty feels better soon!
I've almost been puked on before. I think sometimes it hits them so fast they don't have a chance to get up and move away. Poor kitty though and poor you to wake up that way.
Sorry about the Thanksgiving food. Sounds yucky.
I guess calling the little guy a boob man might be premature...
eeeeeeeeeww at the puke!
i HATE cat throw up! when i was a kid my cat threw up when my parents were out. i put a paper towel over it and made a sign that said: do not step here, cat puke. lol. i still joke about doing it to this day when my cat throws up!!
Glad you had a good holiday -- besides the cat puke. GROSS!!
And as always, I'm so thankful that you (and I) have adorable nephews to make you smile and bring such joy!
I'm sure the cat puke situation was NOT funny at all at the time, but you tell it so well I did have to giggle. :)
The boobies/smoothies story is too funny! He is male, after all, so "I want boobies" is good practice.
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