It has been doing nothing but snowing here but still I am thankful that we have not gotten the worst of the weather lately. I think we have 8+ inches give or take. I hate it but we have been lucky. DH fixed our front door so finally we can go in and out of it. It is so nice to be able to that. You would not think that to be a big deal but it was a pain in the a$$. He also fixed our toilet. It was leaking like crazy! We were filling 5 buckets a day plus soaking through every towel. So thank God hubby was able to get it fixed. He won a gift certificate for 60 bucks from his job at Home De.pot so that was great because it enabled us to get everything fixed. YAY.
This weekend we do not have anything major planned. I want to get some cleaning done that I did not get to last weekend ...we see if that happens. :)
Anyway, I have to go take care of all this bad news I got in the mail today. I really hate the mail and I hate when all the bad news come on Friday so you can't take care of it until Monday...UGH!
Have a great weekend all!

Yay for everything being fixed and for hubby's that can fix it. Sometimes I wish I had one of those. Or that I could rent one.
How wonderful that you live with "Mr. Fix It"! That's great! Glad he was able to fix your door and leak...yea, that is behind you :)
Hang in there and know that I'm thinking about you. Sending you hugs and the happy vibe for a good weekend with NO bad news.
HUGS, lots of them :)
Hope that bad news isn't too bad! Thinking of you.
awwww ya I feel the same way. I MUST deal with the bad news instantly or else I fret. Have a great weekend my friend :)
Sorry about the bad news in the mail... I hope you can get it all fixed okay! But hooray for DH being so handy and doing home repairs. The toilet and front door are two things that are typically taken for granted, until there's a problem!
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