Monday, June 8, 2009

Is it possible?

So, I am trying a new thing. It is VERY new to me. I am usually not good at it but what I am doing so far hasn't been doing me much good so I figured maybe I should try something different. I am going to try to not worry about something before it happens. I am going to be prepared cause I don't want to be stupid but I am not going to spend every waking moment analyzing and then re-analyzing and then coming up with plan 1-10 because lets face it...that is pretty darn exhausting!

I got some news about my job that may not be good in the near future for me. I can't say too much right now but I am pretty sure you all can figure it out. But it is not a for sure who or what. I just now about when and why. So I am going to prepare just in case but I am not going to obsess. I just have to keep telling myself that. If I start to obsess I am going to go to places that no one should go. It will be dark and it will end with me never ever being able to have a child and living in a paper box. What good will that do me? It will just make a potentially bad situation worse and it may be all for nothing. It may turn out better then it is now. It may be a blessing in disguise.

So... I know...I will prepare...I will NOT obsess...I WILL take it one step at a time! Is it possible that I can do something I have not really done before, at least that I can remember or if I did it was on something small. I hope so or by the time the day arrives it won't matter because I will be in a looney bin and I think that would be a very bad scenario! So IS it really possible...YES...I think :)

Side Note: Not sure what I have said that made an ad for Scien.tology come up on my blog. I need to figure it out so I can stop saying it. UH message to google this is not a crazy Cr.uise blog. I am talking about infertility!


Lollipop Goldstein said...

Oh, sweetie, if you figure out the HOW, tell me. I too worry more than I prepare. In that the worrying is only good up to a point. That point of preparedness. After that, the excess is simply excess. But I can't help it. I can't stop at that line. I really hope the work stuff turns out okay. said...


I second the above comment :) the HOW part...

Anonymous said...

i am so guilty of over analyzing and trying to plan for every possible outcome. trying not to do that and focus on WHAT IS, is very difficult for me. you're right, it's extremely exhausting.
i really hope that you don't get bad news at work. ((HUGS))

Anonymous said...

that is definitely easier said than done :) good luck. i know that things are bad around here right now... i keep saying to myself that they can only get better, right???

thinking of you...

Jamie said...

Preparing is good. I hope you are able to prepare without obsess - I don't know if I could!

Thinking of you and hoping it all works out.

Cara said...

Yeah- I know that cycle...well. Try, but don't beat yourself up if you fall back on old patterns.

It happens and I just hope that your work situation turns out ok!

Shannon said...

I know that worrying doesn't get me anywhere yet I still do it. I hope that whatever is going on works out and you have nothing to worry about. I'll be thinking about you!

battynurse said...

It's hard not to worry about stuff. I hope your successful.