Thursday, October 9, 2008

I'm sick! :(

So here I sit with my head feeling like a million pounds, my throat scratchy, tired because I couldn't sleep all last night because of coughing and not being able to breathe. I hate it. It's that time of year again. I'm sick! It sucks! The end!


Searching for Serenity said...

Feel better soon!! Take care of yourself. Drink some tea and my personal favorites are Zicam and Theraflu.


Cara said...

Whew - that came on you kinda fast. I hope it leaves you just as quickly!!!

Anonymous said...

i hope you feel better soon! i've got a sick hubby...they gave all the active duty members the flu shot yesterday. i've been spraying every inch of my house with lysol...i can not get sick!
snuggle up in a big blanket with an old movie or good book and some apple cider. good luck, hope you're all better soon!

chicklet said...

Ugh, feel better:-)

Monica said...

Cognac. That's what my mom always gave me. Two shots before bed - doctor's orders.