Saturday, October 25, 2008

Where is my "B.ail O.ut"?

I am stressed! I am trying to save money and it is not working out very well. All these people keep wanting money from me month after month after month! Don't these people (car, house, electricity) know that I want to have a baby. I need this money more then they do I mean I am not getting a "b.ail o.ut". Where is my "b.ail o.ut"? Why can't I say "um, look I don't think I am going to be able to pay you right now. Check with me in a couple of months and will see where we are. Great . Thanks!" Or I propose that everyone gets a month free of all bills every year. I know, I know they will just hike everything for the rest of the months. But my blog, my dream! And in that dream they would have to keep everything the same for every other month but you would just get to pick a month of no bills. Yea I think that is a good idea...I think I will write my congressman, maybe the president. 

Dear Mr President,
We ALL need a "b.ail o.ut". blah, blah, blah. Thanks...I knew you would agree. 
Baby makin' isn't as easy (or as cheap) as you think.

Or maybe a petition. I bet I could get a lot of signatures. It's just my money coming in and my money going out are not adding up currently. At the rate I am going I am going to be "on break", saving for IVF, FOREVER! I do not have forever...I am not getting any younger (if I could only figure out how to make that happen I would be rich. Hey maybe I am on to something this may be better then the "b.ail o.ut" idea...hmmm again my blog my dream). I know I am not alone in this but today I am wallowing in my brokeness. Oh well, now I am off to play the lottery...


cjsayers77 said...

I'll sign the petition!!!! I think it's a wonderful idea... and what would be even greater is if you could coordinate the 1 month of no bills into the same month. Like just for 1 month have NO bills and no late fees!... or 2 months!!!


Kristine said...

I think you are on to something with your ideas. I want a bail out too!!!

AnotherDreamer said...

Yeah... I ask myself the same question everyday. Grrrr...

Stacie said...

Ahhh...the lotto...sorry, I got lost in my head there. It would be nice to win the lotto. I wish us both luck!

Here from ICLW

April said...

why does it have to be so expensive??? arg. dh still buys a lottery ticket once a month or so hoping that our "luck" will turn around at some point...

:) a

Monica said...

Ha! I like the letter that you propose. And I do get the money thing. Such is modern life - at what point did it become so much about money!

sara said...

I'd be the first to sign that petition for you! I hope you get a bit of a bailout soon - whatever type it comes in for you...lots of good thoughts and wishes coming your way :-)

theworms said...

I'll sign. It sucks that having/not having babies comes down to money. IF should be covered.

Praying we both hit the lotto.


Jamie said...

Don't forget to send the petition my way. We had a meeting about next year's health insurance and the only good thing is our premiums didn't do up. UGH.

Sunny said...

It's kicking a person when they are down... not only can you not get pregnant on your own, but you have to get a second mortgage on your house to get help! GGGRRRRR. IF should definitely be covered by insurance. I'm sorry, and I love the bailout idea. :)