The ups and downs of life and the crazy, insane, and frustrating journey to have life's one true precious gift...a baby!
Thursday, December 4, 2008
Favorite things Friday
Hmmm what do I write about this week... It's junk food Christmas time so this week my favorite things will be 2 candies I ABSOLUTELY LOVE!!! Now I am a CHOCOHOLIC! And dark chocolate is the best! Hershey Kisses and Reisens are the bestest! (Funny thing is I do NOT like the dark chocolate Hershey kisses.) The sad thing is I can sit and eat a whole bag in a night. I am usually someone who like to savour it. I like knowing it is in the house so if I wanted to I could have it but not with these candies. But lately I can't get enough. Maybe being psychological for a moment I am trying to "feed the feelings" rather than feel bad. I'm sure I read that somewhere. LOL Oh well they taste great and for this month I am going to try and not worry about it. I have enough to worry about as it is. Although, it is not good for PCOSer trying to have baby but I have decided anything eaten in the month of December is calorie free! (Must I remind you...my blog, my dream). BTW reisen's have dark chocolate, and isn't that now considered a health food? I know, I know a whole bag is a little counter productive but I am just trying to make sure I get all the healthy antioxidants and stuff. I mean if a little is good then a lot must be much better. Anyway, I am testing the theory and I will let you know how I come out on that. I could go on and on but words would not do any good...you just have to eat them.

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Fellow chocoholic here! My weakness is the little Reese's Peanut Butter cups. A bag of those won't last an hour in my house. But like you, I enjoy having other bags of chocolate around so I can pop in one piece after a meal here and there.
I agree..anything eaten in December doesn't count even to us PCOSers. I always buy dark chocolate m&ms and tell myself it is good for me b/c it is dark chocolate. So heck yeah....more antioxidants :D
fyi: i had a bag of kisses in my office that i just finished yesterday. i was really happy that it took me a month to eat it. (but i am only in my office one day a week) :)
If you like chocolate and peanut butter, Ghiardelli has a chocolate peanut butter bar that you would smack someone for.
You're preaching to the choir, sister! I've got a dark chocolate Dove bar in my purse right now. Mmmmm . . . I think I might go ahead an have a little . . .
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