This is what I was going to show last week except I was in the hospital. I am feeling a little better now. i am still afraid to eat a lot so I am slowly introducing new foods. Yesterday I tried to eat a burger from So.nic. It is new in Michigan and I always see the commercials and it looks so good. So I babysat my nephews yesterday and then afterward we went. i ate half of the hamburger and then spent the night in the bathroom...not throwing up but other TMI stuff. I don't think it was me though cause hubby had the same problem so needless to say we won't be going there anymore.
Anyway another note before I get to show and tell. My nephews were so darn cute yesterday...I guess what else is new. But we had such a good time. Jo.ey wanted to show us the "scary house" in his neighborhood so we went for a walk. He showed us the way. I was wondering if he knew what he was talking about but he got us there and I was impressed. Now it was the long way but he did get us there. Then we had a leaf fight and buried each other in the leaves. The boys asked me pretty much right away how I was feeling and they both kissed my tummy and said that would make it feel better. Aww...it sure does!
Ok, so for show and tell this week I wanted to tell you about my FREE trip to CVS. I have mentioned here before that I have really got into couponing so this was the best trip I have had so far. Pictured above is what I got. in case you can't see all (taken with cell phone) this is what I got. 4-12 packs of coke, 2 cha.psticks, 2 adv.il PM, 2 bottles of ad.vil, 3 bags of ki.t k.ats, 3 10 packs of mo.unds bars, 1 bag of skittles, 1 bag of sta.rburst, and 2 bags of m.&m's. After coupons and sales I paid 29.41 ( I do not know what the total was before coupons and stuff because in the confusion of last week the receipt got lost). I received 25.00 in extra bucks, which are money I can use on my next trip there, and I will get back 4.80 back in bottle deposits so I actually made .39. Not bad for all the stuff I got...right? I was pretty excited about it.
To see what everyone else is showing at the head of the class, head on over to Mel's place.
Wow! You put the SOUP in Super Shopper!
Glad you're feeling better, Michelle.
Amazing haul! Hope you continue to get better and better! :)
That is amazing. I know this is possible for me to do but I am lazy.
Brava! I'm always try to see whether I can get at least $30 bucks off my groceries.... but I'm thinking I should start shopping CVS a lot more...
Awesome job on saving money. Where do you find all your coupons?
Damn woman. I went to CVS today and spent over $50 and got almost nothing. I am very impressed.
That is impressive.
Sorry you're still not feeling a hundred percent. A couple of questions. They did look at your gall bladder correct? So much of this sounds like symptoms of gall bladder. Also did they do labs checking your pancreas? I hope that soon whatever this is goes away and you're feeling back to normal.
That is majorly impressive shopping!
Hope you feel 100% soon. Feeling so cruddy is beyond miserable.
Sorry about the Sonic :(
Great job with coupons!! I could really go for a regular coke...
I hope you're feeling back to normal soon, food wise :)
Impressive stash! There is a CVS being built right around the corner from me. I can't wait to try out extra bucks program!
I just read your post from when you got sick. I'm glad to hear you are feeling better. How scary!
Holy smokes!! You are one heck of a shopper!!
We need to get a CVS here! I think Wal.greens runs the market here though! Great job!
Yes, Sonic often = TMI trips to the bathroom. I hope you're feeling better.
Sonic is new to the Twin Cities too. After what seemed like years of commercials I was eager to try it. Disappointing!
I think you need to become a professional coupon shopper expert. Wait, you already are!!!
Nephews = Too DAMN cute!
Wow, I am really impressed! I love CVS extrabucks, but I think the most I ever got back was nine bucks. I must be doing something wrong. Congrats on the super deals.
This is not helping me :) I´m craving for candy, I think it are the hormon injections. I haven´t been able to get candy out of my mind to day. I think I will have to go now and buy Kit kats, M&Ms :D
I can feel my BSLs going sky high just from looking at that pic!
Is this for Halloween?
I am in utter awe!!!
That really was a great shop! Remind me to ask you for shopping advice next time I head out, lol!
wow. I am impressed! I need to get on the ball! You got paid to get chocolate, caffiene and advil. Life is good!
We don't have CVS in Seattle. :( Hopefully one day it will come out here! Although I don't think I have the mad skillz to get all the discounts you do. :)
mmmmm....halloween candy....i cant get enough!
nice job getting paid to go to cvs! i'm impressed!
also, wanted to let you know i've been reading and following along...it's just hard to comment :(
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