Thursday, November 13, 2008

Favorite Things Friday

My name is Michelle and I am a reality TVaholic. The first step is admitting you have a problem...right? I can't get enough of it! I know it's trash. I know it's crap. I do not care. Whether it be a bunch of strangers living in a house together or a show about some "has been" celebrity, as long as they ain't singin', dancin', datin' or Pa.m.ela An.d.erson. I am watchin'. My favorite is Bi.g Brother or the Ama.zing Ra.ce. I could never be on these shows because I think everyone in America would be voting me off or rooting for me to fail. I would be the paranoid person, the impatient person. That is why I would never try out for these shows. It always cracks me up when these people go on these shows and they are like "you are a back stabber". " You lied to me". UHH DUH! Have you not seen the last 10 seasons of the show? If that is not who you are, if you can't live with yourself then please spare us all the drama and don't try out for the show.

My husband hates that I watch these shows. But he watches every kind of sport you could ever think of no matter what. He is obsessed with sports, I am obsessed with reality TV. Maybe it's because I can watch someone else's "reality" instead of always dealing with mine. I can get lost in their problems and escape mine for just that little bit. With the beauty of my other favorite thing the DVR I can tape them all which has only enabled my addiction. Oh well someday when I have kids I won't care to watch them because I will have other important things to occupy my time. Right now I have my reality tv and I love it! I could quit anytime I wanted ya really I could.


April said...

me too!!! amazing race. top chef. project runwway. these are my favorites. i even watch the hills if i happen to catch it while i'm on the tredmill. ;)

Barb said...

FUN! AAAAAAAAAH AMAZING RACE! Hub and my favorite show for YEARS!

battynurse said...

I've watched survivor and the amazing race a few times and have to admit that I'm really not that into them. I had a friend though who sent in a tape trying to get on survivor. I remember laughing because she was so upset that her sister had scheduled her wedding for the same time survivor would be filming and she wouldn't be able to attend the wedding. She of course never heard back from survivor.

Sunny said...

I don't watch a lot of reality TV, but I do enjoy Top Chef and some others! I agree with you, why are the contestants so surprised when they get backstabbed? That's WHY there is even a show in the first place, so the rest of us can watch people betray each other!

Searching for Serenity said...

I'm also a junkie and proud of it. Reality t.v. makes us feel as though our crazy lives are normal compared to the freaks on t.v.

Monica said...

Reality TV - sounds (almost) as good an addiction as triple Starbucks lattes - my own personal weakness.

Unknown said...

I'm addicted to TV, too!

Seriously, you have to make the Oreo truffles-- I promise they are easy and DE-LISH!

Jamie said...

My Hubby is the same way - total reality TV junkie. I watch Amazing Race with him. For the longest time I tried to get him to send in an audition tape so we could be on the show. Then we went to Italy for a 7 day vacation and now I know we would never make the cut.