Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Just wanted to say Hi

Hi All!

Another snow filled day in Michigan. Another 6 or so inches dumped made for some really nice roads. Seriously Spring can not come fast enough. I hope that Ground hog sees his shadow or doesn't, I can never remember which one means an early Spring. Because you know the Ground Hog is all knowing. LOL

Anyway, not much going on here. Still dealing with my knee. All I can say is it still hurts if I put too much pressure on it so I try not to do that very often. Hopefully it will get better soon.

Today was the last day for ICLW. I did it! I made Iron Commenter for the 5th time. I am excited about that because I read so many fantastic blogs. So many people who give me hope and also people who make me feel not alone. I thank you!

I have a lot of posts floating around in my head and some things that are weighing heavily on me but I am trying to work them out and get the right words. My 35th birthday is coming up next week and I have a lot of feelings about that so I will be posting soon. I hope all is well with everyone out here in the blogosphere. Talk to you soon.


April said...

i started to drive to work this am, but turned around and went home. it was just too much!!! i couldn't take it. there were too many people on the road and i did not really NEED to be at work. :)

arg. when will it stop?

Sunny said...

Congrats on IComLeavMo! I keep meaning to participate in that, but I haven't gotten around to it yet.

Eskimo_Kisses_4_U said...

Hope your knee feels better soon. I'll be glad when spring gets here, too!

Bluebird said...

Hope you feel better soon! Can't wait to read what's coming. . .

Mo said...

Great to hear from you - congrats on your latest Iron Commenter achievement. hope the knee heels soon.

Mo said...

Glad to hear your knee is feeling better. I'm with you on spring! Thankfully the days are getting longer already!

Good Egg Hatched said...

Hope your knee feels better soon!

Elle said...

So glad you checked in -- and I've been meaning to tell you that I love the new blog color, btw. Makes me think of spring and Easter and all that.

Congrats on IC status, too!